Spring Air Back Supporter Firm
The Spring Air Back Supporter line is available in all firmness levels, depending on the price bracket which you are shopping in and the actual feel you want and need. The firm options would resemble a softer chair in terms of initial feel, but would still provide great support as your weight is distributed over the surface of the bed. This type of feel is often preferred by athletic-built people who sleep on their backs, as well as people with certain medical conditions or previous injuries. The firm models provide support very similar to the ultra firm models, but increase the initial comfort a notch.
Within the best-selling Back Supporter line from Spring Air, you might find names on the mattresses such as the Radiance and Conrad. Usually the same models offered in a ultra firm level also appear in the firm category as well. Of course, some stores may carry a mattress named especially for their chain and not available elsewhere. Even in those cases, you should still be able to find a firm mattress in the Back Supporter line with the additional softness near the top to accommodate a moderate weight and/or lighter side sleepers.
As with any Spring Air Back Supporter mattress, you can rely on the 10 year warranty, which is pretty much standard in this class. What you should also expect to see is the Dual Performance Cups at the edges of the Activ-Coil spring netwrk. The antimicrobial, fire retardant cover will carry through all models in this line. For the firm models you will usually see a slightly increased amount of slightly softer foam near the top. On some higher end models, you may also see a pillowtop or euro-top option as well. You can expect this mattress set to fall under the $1000 mark for a queen size set, and your dealer may offer other incentives as well, such as free delivery or a free frame with purchase (consult your retailer for possible incentives available at time of purchase).
Spring Air Back Supporter Firm
Spring Air
Spring Air International Inc. LLC, 70 Everett Ave Suite 507, Chelsea, MA 02150, Phone (617) 884-2300, Fax (617) 884-2818
Activ-Coil innerspring with comfort foam
Dual Performance Cups - Side-by-Side high-density foam inserts placed around selected outer coils and all corners.
Anti-Microbial fire retardant cover
About 13 inches
Shock absorbing semi-flex box spring in 5.5 or 9 inch thicknesses
No Flip, No Rotate
Varies From Dealer To Dealer
10 years coverage against manufacturers defects including impressions greater than 1.5 inches
United States
None Listed
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