The mattresses in the Boyd Flotation collection are what Boyd Specialty Sleep calls "Fluid Suspension Mattresses," commonly known as waterbeds. Waterbeds were the first sleep products sold by Boyd Specialty Sleep founder and owner Dennis Boyd. Boyd describes them this way:
A Fluid Suspension Mattress utilizes water as its advanced source of contouring support instead of traditional innerspring support. In a BOYD FLOTATION® Fluid Suspension mattress, the metal springs are replaced with Fluid that give total support and conform to your individual body type.
The advanced fluid suspension design perfectly supports every contour of your body. It is designed to eliminate those annoying pressure points that cause tossing and turning and prevent you from getting the deep, restful night's sleep you need.
Among the advantages Boyd cites for a flotation mattress are:
* A flotation mattress supports the sleeper evenly;
* It provides total support;
* Firmness can be adjusted;
* Flotation reduces tossing and turning.
The Boyd Flotation beds by Boyd Specialty Sleep include hardside and softside waterbeds. A hardside waterbed lies in a box-like frame which contains the actual water mattress on all sides. These are less expensive than the softside flotation mattresses, which require a built-in encasement of foam and/or fiber to hold the sides in place. This containment is necessary to control the pressure/firmness of the fluid suspension mattress as well as keeping it from shifting and rolling. This means that the sleeper does not have to stay in the middle of the waterbed.
Boyd Specialty Sleep has sub-types in both hard-sided and soft-sided flotation beds. The hard-sided waterbeds are divided between "Fiber Filled" (Regency Fiber) and "Ultra Premium Fiber" models. Regency is described as being "Tethered Fiber Filled - A 4-point Memory Stretch tether system keeps the fiber layers from shifting." The Ultra Premium models have the tethered fibers, plus, according to Boyd, "Additional Lumbar Fiber Layers provide additional ergonomic support in the area where you need it most!" The hard-side models include Regency I through V and Regency Comfort Supreme along with Fiber 1000, 2500, 3500, 4500, and 5500.
The soft-sided Boyd Flotation Mattresses are classified by the depth of the fluid suspension bladders. The Deep Fill Softsides have a 8.5" fluid bladder. The Mid Fill Softside bladder is 6" high, while the Shallow Fill Softside models have fluid suspension tubes which are 4" high. Mattress heights range from 9 to 12 inches.
Besides The Bedroom Store, part of the Boyd Group, Boyd Flotation Mattresses are carried by other retailers. Boyd Specialty Sleep says, "We are proud to serve a diverse group of customers including Sam’s Club, Walmart, Costco, Target, Sears, Hammacher Schlemmer, Home Shopping Network, as well as over 1,000 unique mattress and furniture stores in the US."
Besides the retailers named above, Boyd Flotation mattresses are also sold online on Amazon, Wayfair, The Waterbed Doctor, Waterbed Heaven Bedrooms, and other retail sites. At the time of this writing, the top three of the six top ranked waterbeds are made by Boyd Specialty Sleep. Those sold on Walmart's webite are under the Blue Magic label. Blue Magic is part of the Boyd Group of companies.
Boyd Flotation waterbeds are in two divisions, Softside and Hardside. Each has several models. The Boyd Flotation page on the BSS website has only seven models, all softside waterbeds. However, Boyd Flotation also has its own website,, with both softside and hardside models. These pages include waterbed accessories as well as frames and foundations suitable for waterbeds.
Also listed on this site are Waterbed Supplies, Waterbed Sheets, Waterbed Heaters, and Softside Bladders. Models from both sites can be found at retailers.
Meridian, Equinox, Cashmere, Pembroke, Dreamscape, Essex, and Brighton are the seven models shown on the Boyd Flotation page of Boyd Specialty Sleep. Basically, this is a sampling of Boyd waterbeds. On the Boyd Flotation site, seven more models are listed and described: Iris, Juniper, Violet, Lilac, Orchid, Lily, and Aspen. The first two are shallow fill, the middle three mid fill, and the last two deep fill.
Shallow fill water bladders are 4" high and are either tubes (free flow or foam-filled) or Sontaire fiber filling. The water bladder choices for the 6" mid fill water bladders are all named Venus. Deep fill water bladders, named Galaxy, are 8½" high. The overall heights of the mattresses are filled out by cushioning materials.
Shallow Fill Bladders
Mid Fill Bladders
Deep Fill Bladders
Boyd Flotation shows 14 models of hardside waterbeds, the same as the total number of softside models. There are four groups or series with one model each in two and six each in the other two:
Free Flow Series: Free Flow Waterbed Mattress
Constellation Series: Constellation 1, Constellation 2, Constellation 3, Constellation 4, Constellation 5, and Constellation Lumbar waterbed mattresses
Contura Form Series: Contura Form 1, Contura Form 2, Contura Form 3, Contura Form 4, Contura Form 5, and Contura Form 6 waterbed mattresses
Sea Cove Series: Dual Sea Cove Waterbed Mattress
The Free Flow Waterbed Mattress features full motion of the water without any material or structure to reduce waves. This type of waterbed is claimed to offer the greatest level of pressure relief.
Constellation Series waterbeds are categorized as semi-waveless. Layers of fiber reduce the wave action. The name of each model corresponds to the number of layers in the water bladder. The Constellation Lumbar Waterbed Mattress adds lumbar support to the five layers of fiber.
Models in the Contura Form Series are classified as waveless hardside waterbeds. As in the Constellation Series, the model name indicates the number of fiber layers.
The Dual Sea Cove is a dual waveless waterbed. It has two bladders, one for each sleeper. These can be filled differently for separate firmness levels. Each side has three fiber layers and lumbar support.
The Regency and Fiber 1000 series are still listed by several retailers.
Boyd Flotation (Waterbeds)
Boyd Specialty Sleep
2440 Adie Road, St. Louis, MO 63043, Phone (314) 997-5222, Fax (314) 432-3542,
Fluid Suspension Bladder(s), fiber-filled in some models, with fiber or foam comfort layers above
Rigid box or foam-fiber encasement
Depending on model, Lyocell, or Rayon, or Microfiber
9 to 11 inches
Solid platform
Tethered fibers
Ask retailer
15 to 20 year warranty, depending on retailer
USA, some materials may be inported
Location: Sierra Madre, California
Date Joined: May 31, 2016
Last Active: May 31, 2016
No reviews found.
It is horrid. I have to return it. The smell does not air out. I think it keeps re-creating itself with the heater. An awful experience. When it says "some materials may be imported," they are referring to Chinese vinyl. An awful substance indeed. "Imported" means "Chinese" these days. Do NOT buy this mattress.
Mattress Rating:It is extremely comfortable, but it smells HORRIBLE once the heater is on, and you need the heater.
Mattress Durability:Don't know.
Mattress Support:Fine.
Mattress Features and Benefits as Advertised:Smells really awful, not mentioned in the ads.
Quality:Who knows?
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